About Us
about Us
Since 1984
Since our inception, K & S has worked for many public agencies and private corporations. We have developed a list of clients who continue to use our extensive expertise for geotechnical, environmental and construction engineering practices. Our company also maintains a high level of integrity in the client base that we serve. We value our reputation of being an honest appraiser of problems and take an objective approach to their solutions. At K & S, we promise to create a lasting partnership with our clients by meeting their expectations and gaining their confidence through outstanding performance of our team members. The Principals of our firm have also served as expert witnesses in numerous court cases concerning damage claims and liability suits involving construction materials.

Pre-qualified Geotechnical Engineering Consulting
K & S is also a pre-qualified geotechnical engineering consulting firm with public organizations such as:
- INDOT (Categories 7.1 & 15.1)
- DOT (Simple & Construction Inspection)
- Specialty Consultant and Contractor for Geotechnical Services

K & S staff their office with Registered Professional Engineers, Professional Geologists and Certified Technicians. Our goal is on-time completion of construction projects by providing well-qualified personnel to furnish quality testing while delivering timely results on all analysis and reporting.
K & S prides itself on the qualifications and professionalism of its engineering and inspection personnel. The personnel at K & S receive the necessary training and field experience to properly conduct field inspection services and laboratory testing procedures, and, have worked on a variety of projects in various roles from Principal Engineer/Project Manager through Construction Materials Testing Inspector.